The coach is bound by the Code of Practice and Code of Ethics which set out high standards of confidentiality and positive commitment to the client. The latter means that the coach will listen to the client without judgement or distraction. The coach uses high level listening, observation and questioning to guide the client through exploration of an issue, problem or subject of importance to the client. The coach then maintains an unwavering belief in the potential of the client to achieve the resultant goal, even when the client might have moments of doubt.
Listening Observing
Rapport Trust
Through the establishment of trust and rapport, the client is able to engage with the coach’s questions with honesty and openness. This makes the action planning stage truly meaningful and relevant. The coach will prioritise building rapport and trust so that the client has a space where they can be true to themselves and their potential.
Although the coach is led by the needs of the client, typically, a coaching session is structured to ensure it is purposeful and leads to action. An example of such structure is the CLEAR model (Contract, Listen, Explore, Actions, Review). When using this tool, the coach guides the client through the five stages so that by the end, the client has an increased awareness of the reality of their situation, has identified the best option(s) in order to proceed, has taken steps to feel as motivated as possible, and knows specifically what they are going to do next to move forward.
At the start of the next session, the coach will hold the client to account. Actions are returned to, not set and then forgotten about. This is one of the key ways that coaching supports the client to move forward and make progress.